The Impact of Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Research shows that our childhood experiences have a strong impact on our health and wellness as adults, especially Adverse Childhood Experiences, known as ACEs.
It is important to understand that ACEs are not our fault, and we did not have control over what happened. ACEs can be a single event, or they can be repeated events or situations.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and leading development researchers have established a simple ACEs assessment to help us understand our level of risk. We invite you to take the survey now to learn your score. Then we’ll give you some tips and resources to help you take control of your destiny. Please know that some situations in the survey may be challenging for you.
If at any point you find yourself overwhelmed and needing assistance, please reach out to Crisis at (262) 657-7188.
A trained professional will answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
ACEs Assessment
This ACEs assessment is a useful tool to show you the impact your childhood experiences can have on your health as an adult. Please know that your ACEs score can never go down, but your future is not set-in-stone. There are many things you can do to take control of your destiny, once you learn your score.
Note: Your participation is completely anonymous. Your answers are confidential and no identifying information is stored.